Diapers in Detention: It’s Time to ShutDownBerks!

posted in: Immigration, Uncategorized | 0

From the Pennsylvania Immigration and Citizenship Coalition (http://www.paimmigrant.org): As many of you know, mothers currently being held at the Berks Family Detention Center launched a hunger strike three weeks ago to demand their immediate release. These women have faced threats … Continued

In ‘Tacit Admission’ of Cruelty, DHS Says It Too May End For-Profit Prisons

posted in: Immigration, Uncategorized | 0

Posted at http://www.commondreams.org/news/2016/08/29/tacit-admission-cruelty-dhs-says-it-too-may-end-profit-prisons Published on Monday, August 29, 2016 by Common Dreams “Private immigration detention facilities are inconsistent with international human rights standards” By Andrea Germanos, staff writer Rights advocates demonstrate outside the GEO Group’s “Immigrant Processing Center” in Aurora, … Continued

One Dollar, One Vote? Campaign Finance Research Says “Yes”

Posted at http://www.publicnewsservice.org/2016-08-29/budget-policy-and-priorities/one-dollar-one-vote-campaign-finance-research-says-yes/a53763-1 August 29, 2016 – Mary Kuhlman, Public News Service (PA) Play Audio in Browser Window The wealthiest Americans have the most influence on government, according to new research. (Dodgerton Skillhause/Morguefile) HARRISBURG, Pa. – As public outrage over … Continued

Democracy Wins as ‘Biggest Gerrymandering Case in Generation’ Moves Forward

Posted at http://www.commondreams.org/news/2016/08/25/democracy-wins-biggest-gerrymandering-case-generation-moves-forward Published on Thursday, August 25, 2016 ‘Gerrymandering pits political power against the people, regardless of which party holds power’ By Deirdre Fulton, staff writer The Maryland State Capitol building, in Annapolis. The Washington Post has called Maryland … Continued

If Everyone Ate Less Meat We Could Save the Chesapeake Bay in a Jiff

posted in: Environment, Uncategorized | 1

From the Chesapeake Bay Foundation (http://www.cbf.org): How much do you pollute? Individuals can calculate their bay footprint. ANNAPOLIS—If everyone in the Chesapeake Bay drainage area consumed only the recommended amount of protein, the associated reductions in nitrogen pollution would be … Continued

Report Finds Students of Color Shortchanged by Pa. School Funding

posted in: Education, Uncategorized | 0

Posted at http://crossroads.newsworks.org/keystone-crossroads/item/96584-report-finds-students-of-color-shortchanged-by-pa-school-funding August 23, 2016 By Kevin McCorry In this file image, students change classes at Julia de Burgos Elementary School in Philadelphia, Pa. (Emma Lee/WHYY) With its new student-weighted school funding formula, Pennsylvania took a big step forward this … Continued

‘People In Poverty Do Work’: What Paul Ryan Misunderstands About Poverty

From the Center for American Progress (http://www.americanprogress.org): August 26, 2016 | Stephanie Land Posted at https://talkpoverty.org/2016/08/26/people-poverty-work-paul-ryan-misunderstands-poverty/ In this March 1, 2016, photo, House Speaker Paul Ryan of Wis., joined by House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy of Calif., speaks at a news conference … Continued

The Libertarian Case Against the 1996 Welfare Law

From the Center for American Progress (http://www.americanprogress.org): August 23, 2016 | Samuel Hammond Posted at https://talkpoverty.org/2016/08/22/everything-wanted-know-1996-welfare-law-afraid-ask/ (AP Photo) In the years after former President Bill Clinton signed the 1996 Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act and “ended welfare as we know it,” … Continued

Rep. Doggett: ‘It’s Time to Fix the Broken Welfare System’

Posted at https://talkpoverty.org/2016/08/22/rep-doggett-time-fix-broken-welfare-system/ August 22, 2016 | Representative Lloyd Doggett (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak) Twenty years ago today, legislation promising to “end welfare as we know it” became law.  I voted for that bill, which created a program called Temporary Assistance for Needy … Continued