Sign the Fix Harrisburg Resolution to Address Problems with PA Government

From Fair Districts PA ( If you haven’t, please sign the Fix Harrisburg petition at Last week an estimated 20 million Americans watched the eighth public hearing held by the January 6th Select Committee. As evidence accumulates, the danger … Continued

Submit Your Comment About Problems in PA’s Healthcare System—by August 5

From the Pennsylvania Health Access Network ( Across PA, people are struggling to find doctors, specialists, mental or behavioral healthcare. They are calling through directories, being placed on waiting lists for months, and driving hours to appointments. If you’ve experienced … Continued

Tell EPA to Finalize the Strongest Air Pollution Standards Possible

posted in: Environment, Uncategorized | 0

From the Clean Air Council ( The Supreme Court’s decision regarding the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) ability to regulate carbon dioxide pollution from power plants was disappointing, but it does not affect the EPA’s soon-to-be-proposed standards for reducing methane … Continued

Tell Your PA Legislators We Still Need An Increase in TANF for Vulnerable Families

From Meet the Need PA ( On Friday, July 8th, Governor Wolf signed the 2022-2023 budget into law. While the budget increases funding for many Pennsylvania communities, it unfortunately does not include a grant increase in the TANF cash grant. This … Continued

Tell BLM to Stop the Destructive Arctic Willow Project–by August 29

posted in: Environment, Uncategorized | 1

From PennEnvironment ( An oil company is pushing to drill in the Arctic home of caribou, polar bears and other wildlife. If ConocoPhillips’ drilling proposal is approved, its plan — called the “Willow Project” — will ravage an undisturbed landscape … Continued