Medicare for All and the Myth of the 40% Physician Pay Cut

Posted at A single payer system works by cutting administrative waste, not doctors’ income Published on Tuesday, September 11, 2018 by Common Dreams By Dr. Carol Paris Supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) hold signs during an event on … Continued

Tell Congress to Stop Violence Against Children

From the Poor People’s Campaign ( Our children are targets. The Co-Chairs of the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival, along with poor people, advocates, as well as denominational and national faith leaders are fighting back to … Continued

Stop Fuel Efficiency Standards Rollback

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From PennFuture ( The administration is launching an attack on common sense environmental standards, rolling back important protections around vehicle emissions that keep our air clean and save us money at the gas pump. The Environmental Protection Agency and the … Continued

Affordable Child Care Must Be Part of Agenda to Help Working People

From the Center for American Progress ( New polling data from the Center for American Progress reveals that a majority of voters have struggled with child care and believe that government has a role to play in solving America’s child … Continued

Tell PA Senators: No More Funding for Family Separation

From Moms Rising ( With Hurricane Florence on our doorstep, we’ve learned that the administration has diverted $10 million from FEMA ‘response and recovery’ to spend on ICE incarceration. [1] This diversion of precious funding from disaster relief in order … Continued

Tell the EPA: We Need Real Action to Curb Global Warming Emissions

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From the Union of Concerned Scientists ( At the behest of President Trump, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been working to gut the Clean Power Plan, the first-ever federal standards for global warming emissions from power plants. Now, Acting … Continued

With Hurricane Florence Barreling Toward US, Document Shows Administration Moved $10M from FEMA to ICE

Posted at Published on Wednesday, September 12, 2018 by Common Dreams “The administration transferred millions of dollars away from FEMA. And for what? To implement their profoundly misguided ‘zero tolerance’ policy.” By Jake Johnson, staff writer President Donald Trump … Continued

Tell Ford: Stop Trying to Undermine Clean Car Standards

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From Interfaith Power and Light ( Six years ago, Ford Motor Company was part of a landmark agreement with the EPA, the state of California, and other major automakers to significantly improve fuel efficiency standards and build cleaner cars. Ford’s CEO … Continued