Help Stop the Flood of Special Interest Money Influencing Our Elections

The Supreme Court’s controversial Citizens United decision has allowed corporations to spend unlimited amounts of money to influence elections, anonymously confuse the public on science, and delay action on critical public health, safety, and environmental protections. That’s why we’re supporting … Continued

‘We Have to Get This Right’: Historic Bill in US House Would Create Specific Protections for Climate Refugees

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Posted at Published on Thursday, October 24, 2019 by Common Dreams “If we are going to meaningfully discuss comprehensive climate equity and climate justice, we must inject security assistance and resettlement opportunities for climate-displaced persons into our conversations.” By … Continued

Urge PA Legislators to Support Critical Election Reforms

From Pennsylvania Common Cause: ( This week in Harrisburg, a package of critical election reforms was presented to the Pennsylvania Legislature for consideration, SB421. Common Cause Pennsylvania was honored to work on some of this bi-partisan legislation that will improve … Continued

Sign Petition to Governor Wolf for Full Continuum of Early Learning Services

As you may know, high-quality pre-k is just one element of early childhood education. Other important early learning programs include evidence-based home visiting and high-quality infant/toddler child care. These three programs together comprise a continuum of services that helps Pennsylvania … Continued