Urge Your Representative to Co-Sponsor the Northern Triangle and Border Stabilization Act

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From Oxfam America (http://www.oxfamamerica.org): Here is an update and request to contact your Member of Congress to address the humanitarian crisis at the U.S. southern border by co-sponsoring the Northern Triangle and Border Stabilization Act (H.R. 3524). Over the summer … Continued

SNAP Rule Would Take Food Away From People in Need in Areas With Too Few Jobs

Posted at https://frac.org/news/snap-rule-would-take-food-from-people-in-need-in-areas-with-too-few-jobs Statement attributed to James D. Weill, president, Food Research & Action Center WASHINGTON, December 4, 2019 — Today, the Trump administration issued a final rule that would weaken the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) — the nation’s first defense against hunger — and … Continued

Report Details How Social Security Has Become Rigged for the Wealthy While Leaving Behind Those It Was Designed to Help

Posted at https://www.commondreams.org/news/2019/12/03/report-details-how-social-security-has-become-rigged-wealthy-while-leaving-behind Published on Tuesday, December 03, 2019 by Common Dreams “The program’s become less progressive,” said Jim Roosevelt, a former Social Security Administration official and grandson of FDR. By Jake Johnson, staff writer Activists participate in a rally … Continued

Proposed Changes to Social Security Rules Will Hurt People with Disabilities—Say No

From Community Legal Services (https://clsphila.org/): The Social Security Administration just announced that it wants to change its rules for people who get disability benefits, including SSI.  Most people would have to prove disability every two years. Social Security expects to cut off nearly two … Continued

Tell Your Representative to Support the Veterans and Consumers Fair Credit Act of 2019

From Stop the Debt Trap (http://stopthedebttrap.org/): Just after Veterans’ Day, members of Congress introduced the bipartisan H.R. 5050, or the Veterans and Consumers Fair Credit Act of 2019, introduced in the House by Reps. Jesús “Chuy” García (D-IL) and Glenn … Continued