Tell Congress—Include Child Care in Next Relief Package to Protect Stability of Programs

From Moms Rising ( Every morning for the last two weeks I’ve woken up wondering what impact this COVID-19 crisis will have on my toddler’s life along with our entire country. My partner and I are juggling our work schedules … Continued

‘Never Seen Anything Like It’: Economists Warn 6.6 Million New Jobless Claims Portend Unparalleled Crisis

Posted at Published on Thursday, April 02, 2020 by Common Dreams “A portrait of disaster. Unemployment insurance claims for the last two weeks are mind-blowing.” By Jake Johnson, staff writer People wait in line as volunteers distribute food in … Continued

‘The Poor, the Sick, the Homeless, the Children, the Low-Wage Workers’: Moral Leaders Demand Coronavirus Relief for Most Vulnerable

Posted at Published on Thursday, April 02, 2020 by Common Dreams “We are asking people to call on the White House and Congress to enact relief for the people that Jesus cared about,” say the Poor People’s Campaign co-chairs. … Continued

Urge Your Representative to Require the EPA to Enforce Environmental Protections

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From PennEnvironment ( President Trump’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is no longer going to enforce our nation’s key environmental protections. The policy, announced last Thursday, gives dirty industries an “open license to pollute” until further notice.1 As our nation works … Continued