Working Toward Right Relationship with Indigenous Peoples—Six Sessions, August-October

Two years ago Pendle Hill Conference Center sponsored an in-person, four day conference, TRUTH AND HEALING, RIGHT RELATIONSHIP WITH INDIGENOUS PEOPLES. Starting NEXT WEEK, through September and into October, Pendle Hill is offering the next steps in WORKING TOWARD RIGHT RELATIONSHIP WITH INDIGENOUS … Continued

Tell Congress to Protect Drinking Water from Rocket Fuel Chemicals

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From PennEnvironment ( A chemical used in rocket fuel, explosives and fireworks could also be in drinking water, but no one is protecting us from it. The Trump administration’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced that it will not set regulations on … Continued

Watchdog Groups Demand Probe Into ‘Voter Suppression Tactics’ by Postal Service Chief Louis DeJoy

Posted at Published on Friday, July 31, 2020 by Common Dreams “In his first month on the job, the postmaster general has already taken steps that could undermine efficient voting by mail in November.” By Jake Johnson, staff writer … Continued

Tell Congress to Support Pre- and Post-Civil War Study on Reparations, Racial and Economic Discrimination

From the Economic Policy Institute ( The United States has a painful history with slavery—and those deep and systemic racial injustices have been carried forward for hundreds of years. EPI’s director of the Program on Race, Ethnicity, and the Economy … Continued