Urge the Administration to Advance the Faithful Agenda

From Faith in Public Life (http://www.faithinpubliclife.org): As people of faith, we believe in the call to love our neighbor as ourselves and we recognize the inherent dignity of all. We work for justice as an act of faith. Join us … Continued

Sign On to Tell Congress: Pass the For the People Act

From Moms Rising (https://www.momsrising.org/): Recent years have shown us more than ever that who we elect to represent us has a big impact on our lives, our community, and our country. For too long, there have been assaults on our … Continued

New Actions Turn the Page on Recent Immigration History

From the American Immigration Council (https://www.americanimmigrationcouncil.org/): The administration is working to turn the page on a dark chapter of our nation’s history. On Tuesday evening, the president signed several executive orders that begin to rectify some of the most devastating … Continued

Tell Congress: Pass Permanent Paid Leave Now in COVID-19 Relief Package

From Moms Rising (https://www.momsrising.org/): Paid leave saves lives, during the pandemic and always. Congress let it expire in December. We must include it in the next COVID-19 relief package. Join us at https://action.momsrising.org/letter/permanent_paidleave_congress to tell Congress this isn’t negotiable, and … Continued

Advocates Applaud Plan to Reverse Damaging Public Charge Regulation

WASHINGTON — The White House Tuesday released a fact sheet indicating that President Joe Biden will sign an executive order directing federal agencies to review Trump public charge regulations that have effectively denied millions in immigrant families health care and … Continued