Hundreds Released From TX Family-Detention Center

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Posted at Jim Forsyth/Reuters In a victory for asylum-seeking families, more than 460 mothers and children were released from a family-detention center in San Antonio over the weekend after a court ruled against the private-prison companies in charge of … Continued

Oxfam Videos Tell Stories Supporting Refugees

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Oxfam America has launched the “I Hear You” project in support of refugees ( The series of 14 videos features celebrities telling the word-for-word stories of positive, relatable aspects of refugees’ lives before fleeing conflict, to counter anti-refugee rhetoric and to … Continued

Helpful Information from the Women’s Refugee Commission

Sharing resources provided by the Women’s Refugee Commission that could be helpful for your organizations in the near future… Make a Plan: Migrant Parents’ Guide to Preventing Family Separation: ICE’s Parental Interests Directive: Helping Families Caught Between the Immigration and … Continued

Join the Sanctuary Movement to Resist Deportations & Discrimination

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Take the pledge at As the newly elected administration makes plans to deport millions, register Muslims, and roll back anti-discrimination policies – we must stand up as communities of faith to say: NOT IN OUR HOUSE. From Rev. Alison … Continued

Top 5 Things to Know for Immigrants and Refugees About 2016 Election Results

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From Church World Service ( It’s OK to mourn. And critical to provide space, time and togetherness for healing. This is a devastating blow to impacted communities who already live in fear of discrimination, abuse, xenophobia, anti-Muslim sentiment, and deportation. … Continued

Election Brings Fear to PA Immigrant Community

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Posted at November 10, 2016 – Andrea Sears, Public News Service (PA) Play Audio in Browser Window Immigration advocates say they are planning to disrupt ICE raids. ( PHILADELPHIA – President-elect Donald Trump’s election victory is raising fears in … Continued