Tell Congress: Stand with Immigrant Youth

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From the Interfaith Immigration Coalition ( Right now, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program is under an immediate, existential threat. Ten attorneys general have threatened to sue President Trump if he doesn’t terminate the DACA program by September … Continued

Watch “Immigrant Rights are Human Rights” on The Gathering

From Repairers of the Breach ( Elected officials have been using fear of the stranger to ban Muslims and refugees, militarize our borders, and target black and brown immigrants (including children and families) for detention and deportation. As people of … Continued

Urge Congress and the White House to Extend Temporary Protected Status for Persons Fleeing Violence in Syria, Sudan, Somalia and Yemen

From Church World Service ( Right now, President Trump and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) are considering whether or not to extend Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Syrians, Sudanese, Somalis, and Yemenis in the United States. In response to … Continued

Faith Leaders Stand with Young Dreamers in Front of White House

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Posted at By Deborah Weinstein August 3, 2017 On August 2, faith leaders, other advocates, and young people who have legal immigrant status as part of the DACA program gathered together in front of the White House.  They were … Continued

Call PA Senators and Your Representative to Say NO to the RAISE Act—Protect Refugees/Immigrants

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From Church World Service ( Senators Tom Cotton (R-AR) and David Perdue (R-GA) have introduced the “Reforming American Immigration for a Strong Economy” (RAISE) Act, which has garnered support from President Trump and white nativists. If passed this legislation would … Continued

Sign Petition Urging Congress to Oppose the RAISE Act that Closes Door to Immigrants

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From the National Immigration Law Center ( Republican Senators David Perdue and Tom Cotton have launched a new attack on immigrant families, introducing a bill that would cut legal immigration in half – and President Trump fully endorses it. The … Continued

Urge Senator Casey to Oppose Make America Secure “Minibus” Bill

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From the Pennsylvania Immigration and Citizenship Coalition ( Immigration enforcement has been at the center of this year’s budget debate. The House just passed a “minibus” last week that would provide funding for a border wall, increased enforcement, and immigrant … Continued