Act Now to Call on DHS to Stop Separation of Children from Parents at the Border

From Faith in Public Life ( We are compelled to cry out when any of God’s children are in danger. There are many heartbreaking stories—one in particular of a 12-months-old baby crying for her mother at a shelter on the … Continued

Statement on Family Separation, Family Detention and Mass Deportations

posted in: Immigration, Uncategorized | 0

From the #ShutDownBerks Coalition ( 2018 has shown new depths of depravity and lack of respect to human dignity by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Immigration Customs and Enforcement (ICE), and the Border Patrol (CPB). It seems like every … Continued

Call Congress: Urge Them to Hold Administration Accountable for Putting Lives of TPS Holders at Risk

posted in: Immigration, Uncategorized | 0

Members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee have reported evidence that Trump administration appointees ignored strong and persistent warnings from State Department officials and diplomatic experts that terminating Temporary Protected Status, or TPS, for Haiti, El Salvador and Honduras would … Continued

Congress is Taking Action to #ShutDownBerks

“Because this is a facility that might be in violation of children welfare law and that would give the Governor the ability to act, that’s something I’m interested in pursuing.” – Congressman Brendan Boyle On Friday, May 11th leaders in the immigrant … Continued

Honor Immigrant Moms, Protect Family Unity—Call In on May 9

From the Interfaith Immigration Coalition ( Families are the foundation of our communities, and as people of faith, we know the importance of family unity. Right now, the administration is shamefully targeting immigrant and refugee moms and separating families. As we … Continued

Trump’s Immigration Policies Threaten Children and Our Collective Future

Posted at By CHN April 9, 2018 Editor’s note: The Coalition on Human Needs is participating in the Children’s Blog Carnival, hosted and sponsored by the Children’s Leadership Council.  Today’s post is authored by theCenter for Law and Social Policy (CLASP). … Continued