You Can Teach Kids Hard Work, But Feed Them First

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Posted at By Sherry Brennan September 5, 2018 Editor’s note: The following piece is cross-posted from OtherWords. Growing up, I hated being on “food stamps.” I hated being walked into a welfare office and inspected, queried to make sure we were … Continued

Proposed Changes Called Threat to Food Security

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Posted at September 4, 2018 – Andrea Sears, Public News Service (PA) Play Audio in Browser Window Only 41 percent of eligible elderly households are participating in SNAP. (USDA) HARRISBURG, Pa. — Congress is debating changes that would tighten … Continued

Hurricane Maria Deadlier Than Katrina, New Study Finds

Posted at By David Elliot August 29, 2018 What many Puerto Ricans have long suspected is now official: Hurricane Maria was the deadliest hurricane in modern history to strike the U.S., leading to many more deaths than originally estimated. The … Continued

How Medicaid Work Requirements Will Harm Rural Residents – And Communities

Posted at Medicaid plays an essential role in delivering health care in rural America and is an economic lifeline to many communities. Nearly 1 in 4 non-elderly adults in rural areas have health coverage through Medicaid. The Affordable Care … Continued

Farm Bill Amendment Would Ban SNAP for Formerly Incarcerated

Posted at By Darrel Thompson As the U.S. House and Senate reconcile two very different farm bills, formerly incarcerated people are at risk of losing Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) food assistance. Representative George Holding (R-NC) filed a troubling amendment that was … Continued

Hey Congress: Reject Any Farm Bill that Jeopardizes Vital Services for Working Families

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Posted at It’s time to invest in people; not corporations By: Precious Bonney History has shown us that it’s never a lost cause to invest in people. So why does Congress continue to invest in wealthy corporations at the … Continued