Housing Alliance of Pennsylvania Praises Decision by PA Supreme Court to Halt All Non-Essential Functions Including Eviction

Posted at https://housingalliancepa.org/housing-alliance-of-pennsylvania-praises-decision-by-pa-supreme-court-to-halt-all-non-essential-functions-including-eviction/ The Pennsylvania Supreme Court announced that all non-essential functions would be halted at least until April 4, 2020. As a result no eviction, ejectment, or other displacement from a residence based on failure to make payment can … Continued

Act Now: Tell Congress COVID-19 Stimulus Must Focus on the Health and Well-Being of Communities, Not Billionaires

Some in the Senate are trying to force through billions of dollars in bailouts for the ultra-rich and big corporations with no strings attached. We can’t let them. The economic fallout of the COVID-19 outbreak is hitting home, and Congress … Continued

Tell Congress: Ensure that Next Round COVID-19 Legislation Protects the Most Vulnerable

From the Coalition on Human Needs (http://www.chn.org): Congress has taken the first steps to respond to the fast-moving global pandemic by passing the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, which will provide immediate paid sick leave and paid family leave to … Continued