Tell Senator Toomey It’s Time to Close the Charleston Loophole and Prevent Gun Sales Without a Completed Background Check

From CeaseFirePA ( Five years ago, congregants at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, SC welcomed a stranger to join them for bible study. The 21 year old white man with sandy-blond hair didn’t look like the typical member … Continued

Tell Congress—Fund Community Gun Violence Prevention Programs During COVID-19 Crisis

From Amnesty International USA ( This is a pandemic. And this is urgent. Communities of color — already disproportionately impacted by gun violence — are also being hit the hardest by COVID-19. And COVID-19 is making the gun violence crisis … Continued

Urge Governors to Address Panic Gun Buying and Reduce Gun Violence Risk

From Moms Rising ( Being safe at home has never been more important. Unfortunately, fear— fear for our health and for our families— has motivated the panic buying of firearms, particularly by first-time gun owners.[1][2] But fear-purchasing firearms isn’t a way to … Continued