Tell Our Senators: Protect Tongass, Pass Roadless Area Conservation Act

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From PennEnvironment ( Trees that are older than America itself — some as old as 1,000 years — are being clear-cut by the logging industry.1 Alaska is home to the largest remaining temperate rainforest, but the forest’s protections and its … Continued

Sign the People’s Demands for Climate Justice

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From Interfaith Power and Light ( Beginning next week, government delegates from around the world will meet in Katowice, Poland to decide how to implement the Paris Climate Agreement. The faith community will be there to urge responsible stewardship of … Continued

Join the Fight for Exceptional Streams: Sign the Petition!

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From PennFuture ( Our Pocono Waters Campaign has been hard at work unifying the community while educating citizens, business leaders, and local leaders about the importance of protecting “Exceptional Value” (EV) streams, highlighting the many ways in which clean streams and … Continued

Sign Petition to Stop Potomac Pipeline by November 18

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Tell the National Park Service You Expect Them to Protect the Potomac River! We need your help to stop this project!  Sign our petition at by November 18! We call on the National Park Service (NPS) to deny TransCanada … Continued