Tell the BLM—No Drilling in the Arctic Refuge

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From PennEnvironment ( Our most pristine wilderness is in jeopardy. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has just put forth plans that would usher drilling into the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge coastal plain. Drilling would scar the land and endanger … Continued

Comment to Protect Teshepuk Lake Bird Sanctuary (Alaska) from Oil/Gas Leasing

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From the Alaska Wilderness League ( In yet another attack on the Arctic, before the government shutdown, the Interior Department began an environmental review process to write a new management plan for Alaska’s Western Arctic, a home to the highest … Continued

Studies Show Ice Melting and Ocean Warming Both Happening Much Faster Than Previously Thought

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Posted at Published on Wednesday, January 16, 2019 by Common Dreams “Just a reminder that behind each day’s controversies, the biggest story is constantly playing out.” By Julia Conley, staff writer A new study by researchers at the University … Continued

Keeping Global Warming Below 1.5°C May Still Be Possible With Immediate Action, New Study Shows

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Posted at Published on Wednesday, January 16, 2019 by Common Dreams “It’s good news from a geophysical point of view,” says the lead researcher. “We are basically saying we can’t build anything now that emits fossil fuels.” By Jessica … Continued

Chesapeake Bay More Polluted for First Time in Decade

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Posted at January 8, 2019 – Laura Rosbrow-Telem, Public News Service (PA) Play Audio in Browser Window Chesapeake Bay is in danger of increased pollution from rivers and streams. (mcfisher/Pixabay) HARRISBURG, Pa. — Chesapeake Bay became more polluted last … Continued

PA’s Most Penalized, Controversial Natural Gas Pipeline Now In Service-Mariner East 2

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Posted at Sunday, December 30, 2018 Late Saturday evening (December 29), Energy Transfer LP (Sunoco) announced its Mariner East 2 natural gas liquids (NGLs) pipeline is in service, available for both interstate and intrastate service. The 350-mile NGL pipeline … Continued

Act to Protect Marine Wildlife from Seismic Testing

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From PennEnvironment ( The administration just put dolphins, whales and sea turtles in jeopardy. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) just issued Incidental Harassment Authorizations (IHAs) to five major oil and natural gas companies to conduct seismic blasting off … Continued

Congress Failed to Reauthorize Federal Land and Water Conservation Fund

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Posted at The U.S. Senate passed a measure December 19 to keep the federal government funded until February, but failed to include a public lands package that would have reauthorized the Land and Water Conservation Fund in that bill. … Continued