UN Report Warns ‘Locked In’ Arctic Temperature Spikes Will Unleash Global Sea Level Rise

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Posted at https://www.commondreams.org/news/2019/03/14/un-report-warns-locked-arctic-temperature-spikes-will-unleash-global-sea-level-rise Published on Thursday, March 14, 2019 by Common Dreams “We have the science; now more urgent climate action is needed to steer away from tipping points that could be even worse for our planet than we first … Continued

Urge Your Representative to Cosponsor Arctic Refuge Protection Act

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From the Alaska Wilderness League (http://www.alaskawild.org): We need your help. To protect the Arctic Refuge from oil drilling long term, we must pass legislation to restore protections. That is why Representative Jared Huffman (D-CA) and Representative Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) recently … Continued

Stand Up for Environmental Funding in Pennsylvania

From PennFuture (http://www.pennfuture.org): Governor Wolf’s 2019-20 state budget proposal contains some good initiatives, but it also diverts millions of dollars from key resource agencies and local environmental programs to close funding shortfalls. We can’t let that happen. Tell your state … Continued

‘A World Without Clouds. Think About That a Minute’: New Study Details Possibility of Devastating Climate Feedback Loop

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Posted at https://www.commondreams.org/news/2019/02/25/world-without-clouds-think-about-minute-new-study-details-possibility-devastating Published on Monday, February 25, 2019 by Common Dreams “We face a stark choice [between] radical, disruptive changes to our physical world or radical, disruptive changes to our political and economic systems to avoid those outcomes.” By … Continued

Pledge Your Support for the Green New Deal

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From Interfaith Power and Light (http://interfaithpowerandlight.org): The Green New Deal resolution in Congress presents an opportunity to address two serious threats facing our country and our world: global warming and escalating economic inequality.  Global warming is endangering the very ecosystems … Continued

Tell the EPA: Don’t Gut the Clean Water Act

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From PennFuture (http://www.pennfuture.org): At President Trump’s direction, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) recently announced their plan to eliminate critical protections for more than half of the nation’s wetlands and thousands of … Continued