Report: Climate Change Putting Wildlife at Risk

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Posted at November 26, 2019 – Andrea Sears, Public News Service (PA) Play Audio in Browser Window An annual bird count has shown an estimated 76% decline in ruffed grouse populations in southeast Pennsylvania. (JohnCindy/Adobe Stock) HARRISBURG, Pa. — … Continued

Consumers Push for Tougher Car Emissions Standards

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Posted at November 29, 2019 – Andrea Sears, Public News Service (PA) Play Audio in Browser Window Consumer Reports says when combined with a home solar system, electric vehicle “fuel” costs could be zero. (scharfsinn86/Adobe Stock) HARRISBURG, Pa. – … Continued

Coal Knew Too: Explosive Report Shows Industry Was Aware of Climate Threat as Far Back as 1966

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Posted at Published on Friday, November 22, 2019 by Common Dreams “It wasn’t just big oil that knew about climate change decades ago.” By Eoin Higgins, staff writer “There is evidence that the amount of carbon dioxide in the … Continued