‘The Saddest Thing Is That This Won’t Be Breaking News’: Concentration of CO2 Hits Record High of 416 ppm

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Posted at https://www.commondreams.org/news/2020/02/12/saddest-thing-wont-be-breaking-news-concentration-co2-hits-record-high-416-ppm Published on Wednesday, February 12, 2020 by Common Dreams “Emissions from fossil fuels and deforestation need to be reduced to ZERO to stop this trend!” By Jessica Corbett, staff writer Residents look on as flames burn through … Continued

‘Consistent With a Mass Extinction’: New Study Warns Climate Chaos Driving Rapid Decline of Bumblebees

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Posted at https://www.commondreams.org/news/2020/02/07/consistent-mass-extinction-new-study-warns-climate-chaos-driving-rapid-decline Published on Friday, February 07, 2020 by Common Dreams The research “adds to a growing body of evidence for alarming, widespread losses of biodiversity and for rates of global change that now exceed the critical limits of … Continued

Tell Major Automakers to Stand for Cleaner Air

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From PennEnvironment (http://www.pennenvironment.org): Major car companies are currently working to repeal air pollution protections here in Pennsylvania and nationwide. This fall, Subaru, Toyota, Nissan, General Motors, and Chrysler all came out in support of the Administration’s proposal to weaken clean … Continued

Tell PA Legislators to Increase Growing Greener Funding in 2020

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From PennEnvironment (http://www.pennenvironment.org): Pennsylvania’s greatest conservation program just celebrated its 20th anniversary.1 It’s called “The Environmental Stewardship Fund,” and is known to most of us as “Growing Greener.” For the past two decades, it’s helped to preserve some of Pennsylvania’s … Continued

Temperature in Antarctica Soars Past 69°F as NOAA Reports Last Month Was World’s Hottest January on Record

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Posted at https://www.commondreams.org/news/2020/02/13/temperature-antarctica-soars-past-69degf-noaa-reports-last-month-was-worlds-hottest Published on Thursday, February 13, 2020 by Common Dreams While the reading in Antarctica still needs to be confirmed, the Brazilian scientists who logged it called the new record “incredible and abnormal.” By Jessica Corbett, staff writer … Continued

Tell Congress It’s Time for Comprehensive Plastic Pollution Legislation

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From PennEnvironment (http://www.pennenvironment.org): Less than 10 percent of single-use plastics were recycled in 2019.1 The rest went to landfills, were burned in incinerators or were left uncollected, with approximately 8 million tons making their way to the sea.2 Nothing we … Continued

Tell Chevron: Pledge Not to Drill in the Arctic Refuge

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From the National Resources Defense Council (https://www.nrdc.org/): We’ve never been this close to losing Alaska’s iconic Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling… The administration will soon begin selling oil drilling leases in the Arctic Refuge, and oil megacorp Chevron … Continued