Register to Comment: Urge DEP to Close Oil and Gas Industry Loopholes and Tackle the Climate Crisis

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From the Clean Air Council ( The Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) just announced a 66-day public comment period, including three virtual public hearings, for a proposed rule to reduce emissions of methane and other harmful air pollution, such as … Continued

After Coronavirus Triggers 17% Emissions Drop, Experts Say Only ‘Fundamental Structural Change’ Can Save Humanity’s Future

Posted at Published on Wednesday, May 20, 2020 by Common Dreams The research “underscores a simple truth,” says climate scientist Michael Mann. “Individual behavior alone …won’t get us there.” By Jessica Corbett, staff writer Climate change activists from the … Continued

Why Does Pennsylvania Insist on Offering Subsidies to Fracked Gas and Petrochemicals? The Industries Would Collapse Without Them

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Posted at February 19, 2020 by Jared Stonesifer, Director of Media Relations Harrisburg policymakers are, again, debating whether to give more taxpayer-funded handouts to the fracking and petrochemical industries. It continues a quiet truth about Pennsylvania’s so-called fracking miracle—without taxpayers padding … Continued

Tell Your Elected Representative: Vote NO to Harming Funding to PA Parks and Conservation

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From PennFuture ( Pennsylvanians are using outdoor spaces more than ever during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, but that isn’t stopping legislators in Harrisburg from trying to permanently change how our parks, trails and shared spaces are funded. Specifically, the state … Continued

Tell Congress to Repeal the Dirty Water Rule

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From PennEnvironment ( It’s official: The administration has eliminated critical clean water protections.1 The revision is called the Dirty Water Rule, and it revokes hardwon protections for streams and wetlands that help provide drinking water for millions of Americans. That’s why we’re working … Continued