Tell Legislators: Increase Budget for Safe Drinking Water

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From PennFuture ( StateImpact Reports: “The EPA says Pennsylvania’s drinking water program failed to meet the federal requirements for conducting inspections of water systems, and that DEP’s lack of staffing has caused the number of unaddressed Safe Drinking Water Act violations … Continued

Thank Representatives Meehan, Fitzpatrick and Costello for Voting to Uphold the BLM Natural Gas Waste Prevention Rule

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From Creation Justice Ministries ( Representatives Meehan, Fitzpatrick and Costello were among the 11 Republicans with the courage to do the right thing. Call and say thanks: Rep. Patrick Meehan: (202) 225-2011 (find local office numbers at Rep. Brian … Continued

Congress Votes to Overturn Stream Protection Rule

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Posted at February 3, 2017 – Andrea Sears, Public News Service (PA) Play Audio in Browser Window Debris from coal mining contains heavy metals such as mercury, selenium and arsenic. (Jakec/Wikimedia Commons) HARRISBURG, Pa. – Congress has voted to … Continued

9,442 Citizen-Reported Fracking Complaints Reveal 12-Years of Suppressed Data

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Laurel Peltier Jan. 30, 2017 02:54PM EST Guess what was found in Pennsylvania’s Department of Environmental Protection’s (DEP) filing cabinets after gas operators drilled 10,027 fracking wells over the last 12 years? Only 9,442 citizen-reported fracking complaints. And 44 percent of those … Continued