Still Waiting for the Judge’s Ruling on Atlantic Sunrise Pipeline/Weekly Prayer at #CornfieldChapel

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From Lancaster Against Pipelines ( A week has now passed since the “quick take” hearings drew to a close for five Lancaster County landowners in Reading, Pennsylvania. Through this process, Williams is seeking to take immediate possession of land from … Continued

Drillers Are Right – PA Needs Tax Rate on Gas Like Other States: It’s Time for a Severance Tax

Posted at Jul 21, 2017 09:06 pm | Stephen Herzenberg In its recent letter to Speaker Mike Turzai, the Marcellus Shale Coalition points (in paragraph three) to the effective tax rate (ETR) on production as a key indicator of … Continued

Groups Seek Permanent Delaware Watershed Drilling Ban

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Posted at July 25, 2017 – Andrea Sears, Public News Service (PA) Play Audio in Browser Window A moratorium has prevented drilling for natural gas in the Delaware River watershed since 2010. (Tomwsulcer/Wikimedia Commons) HARRISBURG, Pa. – Environmental groups … Continued

July Policy Updates/Actions from PA Interfaith Power and Light

From Pennsylvania Interfaith Power and Light ( Due to vacations, our July 2017 PA IPL climate policy briefing call is CANCELLED, but we are still providing a policy update summary below,  beginning with opportunities for action and witness.  Our monthly … Continued

Court Update—Atlantic Sunrise Pipeline

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From Lancaster Against Pipelines ( Image: The Adorers pray before Thursday’s hearing resumes, Sister Martha, Sister Bernice, Sister George Ann, Sister Joan and Sister Linda. Photo by Lancaster Online’s Richard Hertzler. This past week, five Lancaster County landowners, including the … Continued

Urge Legislature to Oppose Targeting Parks, Farms, and Open Spaces to Balance Budget

From PennFuture ( In a last ditch effort to balance the state budget, one of the legislators’ top ideas is to raid crucial funds dedicated to protecting your land, water, recreation, and open spaces. Just weeks after the legislature passed a … Continued

Groups Call for Halt to PA Pipeline Drilling

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Posted at July 21, 2017 – Andrea Sears, Public News Service (PA) Play Audio in Browser Window Environmental groups have documented 61 spills in two months associated with construction of the Mariner East 2 pipeline project. (Clean Air Council) … Continued