Shattering Mark Set During Dust Bowl, US Just Had Hottest May Ever Recorded

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Posted at Published on Thursday, June 07, 2018 by Common Dreams “If you thought it was a strangely warm May, you’re right.” By Jake Johnson, staff writer April 1938: A dust bowl farmstead in Dallam County, Texas, showing the … Continued

As Planet Chokes on Plastic Waste, UN Report Offers Roadmap to Tackle Global Crisis

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Posted at Published on Tuesday, June 05, 2018 by Common Dreams The analysis comes amid warnings that plastic pollution has become “one of our planet’s greatest environmental challenges.”  By Jessica Corbett, staff writer Plastic waste fills a beach on … Continued

Urge Your Representative to Cosponsor Bill to Stop Seismic Exploration in the Arctic

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From the Alaska Wilderness League ( Imperiled polar bears denning and rearing their young on the Arctic Refuge coastal plain just received a terrible blow. The Washington Post1 reported that the Trump administration is considering a plan to conduct 3-dimensional seismic exploration … Continued