Stop Fuel Efficiency Standards Rollback

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From PennFuture ( The administration is launching an attack on common sense environmental standards, rolling back important protections around vehicle emissions that keep our air clean and save us money at the gas pump. The Environmental Protection Agency and the … Continued

Tell the EPA: We Need Real Action to Curb Global Warming Emissions

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From the Union of Concerned Scientists ( At the behest of President Trump, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been working to gut the Clean Power Plan, the first-ever federal standards for global warming emissions from power plants. Now, Acting … Continued

With Hurricane Florence Barreling Toward US, Document Shows Administration Moved $10M from FEMA to ICE

Posted at Published on Wednesday, September 12, 2018 by Common Dreams “The administration transferred millions of dollars away from FEMA. And for what? To implement their profoundly misguided ‘zero tolerance’ policy.” By Jake Johnson, staff writer President Donald Trump … Continued

Tell Ford: Stop Trying to Undermine Clean Car Standards

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From Interfaith Power and Light ( Six years ago, Ford Motor Company was part of a landmark agreement with the EPA, the state of California, and other major automakers to significantly improve fuel efficiency standards and build cleaner cars. Ford’s CEO … Continued

EPA Proposes Rolling Back Methane Rule

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Posted at September 12, 2018 – Andrea Sears, Public News Service (PA) Play Audio in Browser Window The oil and gas industry is the largest industrial source of methane pollution in the United States. (olafpictures/pixabay) PHILADELPHIA – Clean-air advocates … Continued

Protect Old Growth Forest in Tongass

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From the Alaska Wilderness League ( This crucial rule keeps America’s forests healthy and protected from logging and development, and dismantling it could re-start industrial scale, clear-cut old-growth logging in Southeast Alaska, putting stands of 500-year-old trees on the chopping … Continued

Sign Petition to Protect Endangered Species

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From the Union of Concerned Scientists ( The agencies tasked with protecting species under the law—the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)—are proposing to make listing decisions based on economics and remove considering climate … Continued

Tell the Bureau of Land Management No Seismic Testing in the Arctic Refuge

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From PennEnvironment ( Just outside the boundaries of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, the Alaskan tundra is scarred. Heavy vehicles involved in seismic testing for oil and gas have cut deep tracks into miles and miles of ground at Point … Continued