Urge Congress: Oppose Harmful Farm Bill Forestry Provisions

posted in: Environment, Uncategorized | 0

From PennFuture (http://www.pennfuture.org): The current version of the House Farm Bill is packed with attacks on environmental laws and America’s national forests — and we need you to take action today to fight it at https://pennfuture.salsalabs.org/takeaction_farmbill/index.html. Provisions in the current … Continued

We Won! “Pipeline Protest Bill” and Environmental Rollbacks Dead for this Session

posted in: Environment, Uncategorized | 0

From PennFuture (http://www.pennfuture.org): We officially killed both Senate Bill 652 (‘pipeline protest bill’) & House Bill 2154 (‘conventional oil & gas reg rollback bill’). Thanks to all who took action! Late last week, we learned that SB 652 would likely … Continued