Environmental Groups Release 2017-18 PA Environmental Voting Scorecard

Posted at http://paenvironmentdaily.blogspot.com/2018/08/environmental-groups-release-2017-18-pa.html Posted: 14 Aug 2018 10:53 AM PDT Conservation Voters of PA, PennEnvironment, Sierra Club Pennsylvania Chapter, and Clean Water Action Tuesday released their 2017-2018 Pennsylvania Environmental Voting Scorecard. The Scorecard scores each member of the State Senate … Continued

Justice & Gerrymandering—Watch Video, Host Discussion Group

From Fair Districts PA (http://www.fairdistrictspa.com): What is the connection between justice and gerrymandering? You may have seen gerrymandering in the news lately. The PA Supreme Court ruled that our 2011 Congressional district map was unconstitutional and needed to be redrawn … Continued

We Did It! 250,000 Comments Submitted. You Demanded A Fair and Thorough 2020 Census.

Posted at https://www.chn.org/2018/08/08/250000-comments-submitted-demanded-fair-thorough-2020-census/#.W2xJ3M5KgdU By David Elliot August 8, 2018 We’ve been telling you about efforts by the Administration to include a citizenship question on the 2020 Census – you can read earlier posts about this issue here and here. Together with a broad and … Continued

Sign On to Protect Voting Rights

From Common Cause (http://www.commoncause.org): Our right to vote is fundamental to democracy—but without the Voting Rights Act, it’s in serious danger. Add your name to protect voting rights today at https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/protect-our-voting-rights-restore-the-vra-today. We just marked the 53rd anniversary of the landmark Voting … Continued

Every Person Should Count — and Be Counted

Posted at https://www.chn.org/2018/07/27/every-person-count-counted/#.W19x4NVKgdU By David Elliot July 27, 2018 This week, 131 groups, including the Coalition on Human Needs, joined two lawsuits aimed at preventing the U.S. Commerce Department from including a citizenship question in the 2020 Census. The moves come … Continued