What’s at Stake for Pennsylvania in the 2020 Census—Take Action to Prevent an Undercount

From the Pennsylvania Health Access Network (http://www.pahealthaccess.org): The George Washington University Institute of Public policy has released an updated report detailing what is at stake for Pennsylvania in the 2020 Census. They analyzed 55 federal programs that funnel money to … Continued

Slay the Gerrymander! Enter Your Own PA Redistricting Map (Prizes Available!)–deadline May 31

From Draw the Lines PA (https://drawthelinespa.org/): We are encouraging congregations, adult classes, youth groups, reading groups, and any others in our communities of faith to consider drawing your own Pennsylvania redistricting maps. Draw the Lines PA provides software to help … Continued

2020 Census: Update on Court Cases on Citizenship Question

From Keystone Counts (https://www.keystonecounts.org/): Recently the proposed citizenship question received another blow in federal court as U.S. District Judge Richard Seeborg in San Francisco ruled that the proposed question “threatens the very foundation of our democratic system.” This decision comes on the … Continued

New Report: 2020 Census Has Big Consequences for Healthcare in PA

From the Pennsylvania Health Access Network (http://www.pahealthaccess.org): The 2020 Census will be critically important to the future of Pennsylvania, and even a minor undercount would have dire implications that would last for at least a decade. The Commonwealth receives $26 … Continued

For the People Act Passes in the House

From Common Cause (http://www.commoncause.org): Today (3/8/10, the House of Representatives voted to pass the For the People Act (H.R. 1) in its entirety — the most comprehensive electoral reform bill we’ve seen in decades. That means a majority of House … Continued

Act NOW: Vote on For the People Act Tomorrow (3/8)

From Common Cause (http://www.commoncause.org): TOMORROW: The House of Representatives votes on the For the People Act. This is our moment — write to your member of Congress and demand they speak up for our democracy at https://actionnetwork.org/letters/tell-your-representative-to-vote-yes-on-the-for-the-people-act-hr-1. Tomorrow morning, your … Continued