Tell Your US Representative to Act to Protect Our Elections

From Common Cause ( During his testimony before Congress last week, Robert Mueller made it clear to the American people: Russia’s attack on our elections in 2016 was drastic — and if we don’t immediately improve our election security measures, … Continued

Tell Your Representative the 2020 Census Must Be Fully Funded

From Common Cause ( Last month, the Supreme Court suspended the administration’s ability to add a citizenship question to the survey, calling their reason for including it “contrived.” But showing no concern for the rule of law, the administration initially … Continued

Tell Your Representative to Support the Fair Representation Act

From FairVote ( Just a month ago, the Supreme Court ruled that federal courts cannot curb partisan gerrymandering. To address partisan gerrymandering in all congressional districts, the path is clear: Congress must act. That is why we are urging Congress … Continued

What Happened in Harrisburg Concerning Election Issues—Good and Bad

From Pennsylvania Common Cause: ( There’s a lot going on in Harrisburg lately, and we want to make sure you’re informed! On Friday, June 28th, the Pennsylvania legislative assembly adjourned for the final time until September. Within the last few … Continued

The Miami Debates: Did the Presidential Candidates Discuss Poverty?

Posted at David Elliot July 2, 2019 Last month, Voices for Human Needs wrote about an event sponsored by the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival. The event featured nine presidential candidates who took turns taking the stage at … Continued

SCOTUS’ Call on Gerrymandering Does Not Undo or Thwart Progress that PA Has Made

Posted at Chris Satullo| June 27th, 2019 The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to shrug at extreme partisan gerrymandering is disappointing, but not surprising. Pennsylvanians, though, should realize this ruling does not undo progress at slaying the gerrymander in their state. … Continued