Act Now to Protect Elections, Save the Postal Service

From Moms Rising ( Blink. “Did that really just happen?” “Are people now supposed to risk their lives during a pandemic to stand in crowded lines to vote?” Last week, voters in Wisconsin had to risk their lives to go … Continued

FDPA Presents “Let’s End Gerrymandering” and Fair Maps Discussions—Multiple Dates

From Fair Districts PA ( The more we know about gerrymandering and how our district maps are drawn, the more effective we are in advocating for a fair, transparent process. We’re pleased to announce that Fair Districts PA will be … Continued

Midtown Cinema Showing of ‘Slay the Dragon’—Through April 20, Possibly April 27

From Fair Districts PA ( SUPPORT MIDTOWN CINEMA AND LEARN MORE ABOUT GERRYMANDERING! “Slay the Dragon’, a new film about Gerrymandering was released April 3rd. It focuses primarily on the recent successful efforts at redistricting reform in Michigan. It could … Continued