As Delta Runs Rampant, Analysis Pinpoints Five Undervaccinated Clusters Putting Entire US at Risk

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Posted at “These clusters of unvaccinated people are what is standing in the way of us putting this virus down permanently.” JAKE JOHNSON July 8, 2021 A new data analysis by researchers at Georgetown University pinpoints a number of undervaccinated … Continued

New Study Shows Delta Variant’s Threat to the Unvaccinated—And Partially Vaccinated

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Posted at “If we continue to let the virus run loose,” warned one virologist, “I’m certain we’ll run out of letters and future variants will likely be worse than the current crop.” JAKE JOHNSON July 8, 2021 A study … Continued

Resources to Support Promotion of Emergency Rental Assistance Program

From the PA Department of Human Services ( The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 allocated more than $800 million to Pennsylvania to establish the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP), which can provide direct assistance for unpaid and upcoming rent and … Continued

Maryland Says 100% of Residents Who Died of Covid in June Were Unvaccinated

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Posted at According to Dr. Anthony Fauci, more than 99% of all U.S. coronavirus deaths last month were among unvaccinated people. JAKE JOHNSON, STAFF WRITER July 6, 2021 A spokesperson for Maryland’s governor said Tuesday that 100% of the state’s residents who … Continued

Vaccination Fact Sheet on Homebound Individuals

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Late last the Pennsylvania Department of Health uploaded a fact sheet on vaccinations for homebound individuals. That document is available at /Guidance/Vaccine-Homebound.aspx. Since the state is still working to get more people vaccinated, they are asking that we share this … Continued

Groups Working to Prevent PA Evictions: “30 More Days Isn’t Enough”

Posted at June 28, 2021 – Emily Scott, Public News Service (PA) Play Audio in Browser Window PHILADELPHIA – The federal moratorium on evictions has been extended through July 31 – but the Biden administration says this is the final extension, and … Continued

CDC Extends Eviction Moratorium for 30 Days, President Biden Activates Whole of Government to Prevent Evictions

The Biden administration announced today that it will extend the federal eviction moratorium issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) through July 31, and it will implement a whole-of-government approach to prevent a historic wave of evictions this summer, … Continued

Tell the PA General Assembly to Use American Rescue Plan Funds to Invest in Pennsylvanians Hurt by the Pandemic

From the Pennsylvania Budget and Policy Center ( The Pennsylvania General Assembly is rapidly moving towards enacting a budget for the fiscal year which starts on July 1. The current PA state budget is running a surplus of close to … Continued