Eviction Moratorium Ends July 31; Urge Congress to Extend to Keep Renters Safely Housed During COVID Surge

From Housing Alliance of Pennsylvania (http://www.housingalliancepa.org/): Yesterday, President Biden announced that he would not be extending the CDC Eviction Moratorium set to expire tomorrow, July 31st. We now need our members of Congress to act and protect the most vulnerable … Continued

Big Pharma Monopolies Make Cost of Global Vaccination Against Covid-19 5 Times Costlier Than Needed: Report

Posted at https://www.commondreams.org/news/2021/07/29/big-pharma-monopolies-make-cost-global-vaccination-against-covid-19-5-times-costlier “This is perhaps one of the most lethal cases of profiteering in history.” BRETT WILKINS July 29, 2021 Pharmaceutical corporations’ vaccine monopolies are increasing the cost of inoculating the world’s population against Covid-19 by as much as 500%, … Continued

‘Poverty Is a Policy Choice’: Study Projects Covid Aid Will Cut US Poverty Nearly in Half

Posted at https://www.commondreams.org/news/2021/07/29/poverty-policy-choice-study-projects-covid-aid-will-cut-us-poverty-nearly-half “Eradicating poverty is not a utopian fantasy, it’s a policy option.” JAKE JOHNSON July 29, 2021 A detailed analysis of the impact of federal economic relief programs enacted throughout the course of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic projects that … Continued

Tell Congress to Expand Housing Choice Vouchers in Reconciliation to Help Stop Evictions

From the Coalition on Human Needs (http://www.chn.org): The federal moratorium on housing evictions is about to expire on July 31st and millions of Americans are on the verge of losing their homes. According to the US Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey, … Continued

Report: Universal Access to Legal Counsel Could Help Prevent Evictions in PA

Posted at https://www.publicnewsservice.org/2021-07-29/housing-homelessness/report-universal-access-to-legal-counsel-could-help-prevent-evictions-in-pa/a75174-1 July 29, 2021 – Emily Scott, Public News Service (PA) Play Audio in Browser Window HARRISBURG, Pa. — As housing advocates prepare for the end of the CDC’s eviction moratorium Saturday, a new report showed expanding access to legal representation for low-income … Continued

Could Invoking Golden Rule Sway Some Religious Vaccine Skeptics? New Poll Suggests Yes

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Posted at https://www.penncapital-star.com/commentary/could-invoking-the-golden-rule-sway-some-religious-vaccine-skeptics-a-new-poll-points-to-yes/ With the Delta variant of COVID-19 surging, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention urging vaccinated Americans in areas of high transmission to wear masks indoors, there’s significant incentive for unvaccinated Americans to finally get the jab. Encouragingly, new research by … Continued

Reversing Earlier Guidance Amid Delta Fears, CDC Advises Vaccinated People to Wear Masks Indoors in Public

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Posted at https://www.commondreams.org/news/2021/07/27/reversing-earlier-guidance-amid-delta-fears-cdc-advises-vaccinated-people-wear-masks Public health experts and healthcare workers expressed alarm in May when the CDC released earlier guidance saying vaccinated people no longer needed masks indoors in public places. JULIA CONLEY July 27, 2021 Amid Covid-19 case surges in parts … Continued

The CDC Eviction Moratorium Ends—July 31, 2021; Issue Brief on Preventing Evictions

From Housing Alliance of Pennsylvania (http://www.housingalliancepa.org/): Pennsylvania and its communities have been actively implementing eviction prevention and diversion strategies to keep families in their homes and make landlords whole. When the CDC eviction moratorium ends on July 31,  we expect … Continued