Watchdog Groups Demand Probe Into ‘Voter Suppression Tactics’ by Postal Service Chief Louis DeJoy

Posted at Published on Friday, July 31, 2020 by Common Dreams “In his first month on the job, the postmaster general has already taken steps that could undermine efficient voting by mail in November.” By Jake Johnson, staff writer … Continued

Tell Congress to Protect Incarcerated Persons During This Pandemic

From the National Religious Campaign Against Torture ( Right now Congressional leadership is negotiating the next COVID-19 relief bill. We urge you to contact your Members of Congress today at to help ensure our sisters and brothers who are incarcerated … Continued

Tell Our Senators: Keep the Water Provisions from HEROES Act in Any Legislation Considered

Please take 3 minutes to protect access to clean water by calling your Senators. The COVID-19 crisis has demonstrated the link between public health and access to clean water. Due to underinvestment in American and tribal water and wastewater systems, … Continued

Take Action: Urge Members of Congress Not to Head Home Without SNAP Boost

From the Food Research and Action Center ( Negotiations over the next COVID-19 relief package are underway between congressional leaders and the White House. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has released a COVID-19 proposal that omits SNAP benefit boosts … Continued