Decreased Participation in Summer Meals Puts More Low-Income Children at Increased Risk of Food Insecurity

Posted at WASHINGTON, June 13, 2018 — Far too many children lose access to nutritious school meals when the school year ends, according to Hunger Doesn’t Take a Vacation: Summer Nutrition Status Report, released today by the Food Research & Action … Continued

A Higher Minimum Wage Would Reduce Child Poverty in Pennsylvania

From Keystone Research Center ( HARRISBURG — The Keystone Research Center issued a briefing paper today highlighting how policymakers can reduce child poverty in Pennsylvania by raising the minimum wage. Pennsylvania’s child poverty rate is 19%, ranking it 28th in … Continued

Act Now to Call on DHS to Stop Separation of Children from Parents at the Border

From Faith in Public Life ( We are compelled to cry out when any of God’s children are in danger. There are many heartbreaking stories—one in particular of a 12-months-old baby crying for her mother at a shelter on the … Continued

Child Benefit Would Cut U.S. Child Poverty by More Than Half

Posted at By Center on Budget and Policy Priorities May 29, 2018 Editor’s note: This piece was written by Arloc Sherman, Senior Fellow at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP). It was originally published on CBPP’s blog, Off the Charts, on … Continued

How the House’s SNAP Cuts Would Hurt Children

Posted at By Lecia Imbery May 11, 2018 The House is likely to vote as soon as next week on the Farm Bill, legislation that includes the reauthorization of SNAP/food stamps. Despite historically being a bipartisan bill, the version put … Continued