Sign Now: Ban AR-15s and High-Capacity Magazines

From Moms Rising (

Our hearts are broken. We’re angry and we’re fed up with our leaders’ failure to take meaningful action around gun safety and to keep our kids safe. At the very top of our #5Actions list this week is an action to urge Congress to ban the sale of military-style assault weapons with high-capacity magazines, like the AR-15 used in Florida. Moms will be hand delivering signatures directly to members of Congress in Washington, D.C. very soon to show that that their constituents are paying attention and demand action NOW. Please help spread the word and get signatures with us. The more signatures, the bigger the impact.

Take action at!

BACKGROUND: From MomsRising Social Media Director Sili: I write this through waves of tears. Florida is my home, Floridians are my people. My heart is again burning with pain and anger over a mass shooting that has devastated families and an entire community in my state. This time, it was at a high school. A high school. As a mother, the assault on the sanctity of school safety shakes me to my core. An armed 19-year-old former student went to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and shot to death 17 people, wounding 14 more, five of them critically. His weapon? An AR-15. Every fiber of my being is screaming that no civilian should have access to military-style assault rifles and high-capacity ammunition! “Join me in speaking out. Tell Congress to: “Protect our families and our communities. Ban the sale of military-style assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition!”

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