On The Inaction by State Senate to Fund Unemployment Compensation Call Centers

Posted at http://thirdandstate.org/2016/november/inaction-state-senate-fund-unemployment-compensation-call-centers Nov 18, 2016 04:42 pm | John Neurohr Pennsylvania Budget and Policy Center Director Marc Stier made the following statement after the state Senate failed to vote for additional funding for the Department of Labor and Industry’s … Continued

The High Cost of Being Poor in Your State, Part II

Posted at http://www.chn.org/2016/11/18/the-high-cost-of-being-poor-in-your-state-part-ii/#.WC9yfLIrIdU By Ana-Elisa Gentle November 18, 2016 Last month, we highlighted some of the fabulous work our state partners did surrounding the reports on poverty they co-released in conjunction with CHN’s national report, The High Cost of Being Poor in the U.S. The … Continued

Call on the President to Protect the Standing Rock Reservation

From Interfaith Power and Light (http://interfaithpowerandlight.org): On the banks of the Missouri River in North Dakota, a sacred gathering has grown. Thousands of people have travelled to the Standing Rock Reservation to stand in solidarity with our Native brothers and … Continued