Congress Rejected Russell Amendment that Sanctioned Taxpayer-Funded Employment Discrimination

From Americans United for Separation of Church and State ( Dec 8, 2016 by Dena Sher in Wall of Separation Today, the Senate voted to adopt a final negotiated version of the National Defense Authorization Act. The House approved the same bill last … Continued

Post Election Immigrant Resources

posted in: Immigration, Uncategorized | 0

From the Pennsylvania Immigration and Citizenship Coalition ( PICC staff and member organizations continue to combine efforts to provide post-election resources to the community. We encourage members of the immigrant and refugee community to learn about their rights and speak … Continued

Draft Permits: “First Step” to Reduce Methane Emissions in PA

posted in: Environment, Uncategorized | 0

Posted at December 9, 2016 – Andrea Sears, Public News Service (PA) Play Audio in Browser Window The draft permits requiring natural-gas operators to check for and repair leaks only would apply to new oil and gas facilities in … Continued

Hundreds Released From TX Family-Detention Center

posted in: Immigration, Uncategorized | 0

Posted at Jim Forsyth/Reuters In a victory for asylum-seeking families, more than 460 mothers and children were released from a family-detention center in San Antonio over the weekend after a court ruled against the private-prison companies in charge of … Continued

Urge PA Senators to Cosponsor Resolution of Concern Over Nuclear Arsenal Escalation

posted in: Peacemaking, Uncategorized | 0

From Peace Action ( Senator Al Franken (D-MN) will be introducing a resolution expressing concern over the $1 trillion nuclear arsenal escalation plan. Please contact Senators Casey and Toomey to ask them to co-sponsor this important step in the fight against … Continued

Oxfam Videos Tell Stories Supporting Refugees

posted in: Immigration, Uncategorized | 0

Oxfam America has launched the “I Hear You” project in support of refugees ( The series of 14 videos features celebrities telling the word-for-word stories of positive, relatable aspects of refugees’ lives before fleeing conflict, to counter anti-refugee rhetoric and to … Continued

Army Corps of Engineers Denies Critical Permit for Dakota Access Pipeline

Posted at Great news! After months of peaceful protests by Standing Rock Sioux and supporters, the Army Corps of Engineers has denied the permit for a critical piece of the Dakota Access Pipeline. They have rejected the oil companies’ … Continued