Head Smacker: Pentagon Buried Study Showing $125 Billion in Waste, But Congress and the Trump Administration Wants to Give It More Money

Posted at http://www.chn.org/2017/02/10/head-smacker-pentagon-buried-study-showing-125-billion-in-waste-but-congress-and-the-trump-administration-want-to-give-it-more-money/#.WJ3q-m8rIdU By Lecia Imbery February 10, 2017 According to the Washington Post, the Pentagon buried an internal study that found $125 billion in administrative waste because it was afraid Congress would use the findings to cut the defense budget. Despite … Continued

State Senate Passes Bill to Punish PA Sanctuary Cities

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Posted at http://www.publicnewsservice.org/2017-02-10/immigrant-issues/state-senate-passes-bill-to-punish-pa-sanctuary-cities/a56331-1 February 10, 2017 – Andrea Sears, Public News Service (PA) Play Audio in Browser Window The ACLU says it has seen cases in which U.S. citizens have been held in Pennsylvania jails on erroneous ICE detainers. (Neil … Continued

Urge Your Members of Congress to Support the FAMILY Act—Paid Leave for Workers

From the National Partnership for Women and Families (http://www.nationalpartnership.org/site/PageServer): Families with children are all too aware of the urgent need for paid family and medical leave. So it is good news that Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and Representative Rosa DeLauro reintroduced … Continued

Religious Leaders’ Letter—Oppose Turning Religious Freedom into Tool for Discrimination

From Faith in Public Life (http://www.faithinpubliclife.org): President Trump may soon announce a new executive order that would legalize sweeping discrimination against gay, lesbian and transgender Americans under the guise of religious liberty. Last week, a draft executive order was leaked … Continued

Lawsuit Calls Trump Order on Regulations Unconstitutional

posted in: Environment, Uncategorized | 0

Posted at http://www.publicnewsservice.org/2017-02-09/environment/lawsuit-calls-trump-order-on-regulations-unconstitutional/a56320-1 February 9, 2017 – Andrea Sears, Public News Service (PA) Play Audio in Browser Window The executive order requires eliminating at least two regulations for every new one enacted. (pixabay.com) HARRISBURG, Pa. — Public interest law, environmental … Continued

Urge Your PA Representative to Co-Sponsor PA Medicare for All Bill

From Health Care for All PA (http://www.healthcare4allpa.org/): Below is Pennsylvania State Representative Pamela DeLissio’s co-sponsorship memorandum, requesting her colleagues to sign onto the Pennsylvania Health Care Plan (aka PHCP, aka ‘Medicare for All,’ aka PA HB 1688 in 2015-2016) prior … Continued