Trump to Gut the Clean Water Rule—Tell Congress You Oppose

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From PennFuture ( On Tuesday, President Trump signed an executive order directing the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to review former President Obama’s Clean Water Rule. The executive order is another step toward Trump’s goal of gutting and repealing environmental regulatory … Continued

With Battles in Multiple States, Fight to End Gerrymandering Heats Up

Posted at Published on Wednesday, March 01, 2017 by Common Dreams SCOTUS ruling in Virginia case seen as “yet another blow against GOP’s use of racial gerrymandering to artificially inflate their power” By Deirdre Fulton, staff writer (Photo: Common … Continued

Federal Cuts Would Target Civil Legal Aid for Poor

From Housing Alliance of Pennsylvania ( By: Kate Giammarise Published: February 27, 2017 Funds for low-income people seeking legal help in civil cases — such as those involving domestic violence protection from abuse orders, child custody issues, evictions, mortgage foreclosures, utility … Continued

Family Promise of Harrisburg Capital Region—Director of Development and Programs

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We’re hiring a full-time Director of Development & Programs (DDP)! Here is the job description: We’re extremely excited about this new position which will help us to better serve our families and community. The DDP will be responsible for … Continued

Bills in Senate Could Hinder Saving for Retirement

Posted at March 1, 2017 – Andrea Sears, Public News Service (PA) Play Audio in Browser Window More than half of private-sector workers have no access to a retirement savings plan through their workplace. (401(K)2012/Flickr) HARRISBURG, Pa. – The … Continued

Budget Watchdog: Bigger Military Budget Could Hurt PA

posted in: Federal Budget, PA Budget | 0

Posted at March 1, 2017 – Andrea Sears, Public News Service (PA) Play Audio in Browser Window A higher proposed military budget would mean cuts to domestic spending and foreign aid. (USAF/Wikimedia Commons) HARRISBURG, Pa. – State budgets would … Continued

Thank the DEP for Moving on New Health Protections to Reduce Leaks from Natural Gas Facilities—and Ask to Make the Protections as Strong as Possible

posted in: Environment, Uncategorized | 0

From the Clean Air Council ( In a time when all news about the environment seems to be bad, we are excited to share some good news with you: After over two years of advocacy by Pennsylvania residents like you, … Continued