22-Day Vigil to Defend DACA

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Posted at https://www.chn.org/2017/08/23/22-day-vigil-to-defenddaca/#.WZ2duz6GMdU By Lecia Imbery August 23, 2017 The dedicated activists stand steps away from the White House, with signs calling on Congress and the Trump administration to defend the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and the Temporary Protective … Continued

The New American Dream—Stable Income

From the Community Action Association of Pennsylvania (http://www.thecaap.org): Recent studies show middle and lower-class Americans have shifted focus away from the traditional American Dream of upward mobility. Americans are instead striving for a stable income without unpredictable spikes and dips … Continued

Social Media Manager—Project on Government Oversight

Founded in 1981, the Project on Government Oversight (POGO) is a nonpartisan independent watchdog that champions good government reforms. POGO’s investigations into corruption, misconduct, and conflicts of interest achieve a more effective, accountable, open, and ethical federal government. Description We … Continued

Lawmakers Question Interior Secretary Over Whistleblower Reassignment

Posted at http://www.pogo.org/blog/2017/08/lawmakers-question-interior-secretary.html August 17, 2017 Joel Clement, a whistleblower who until recently served as director of the Interior Department’s Office of Policy Analysis. (Photo provided by Wilkenfeld Law) Bringing further attention to one of the most high-profile whistleblower cases to arise … Continued