Three Richest Americans Now Own More Wealth Than Bottom Half of US Combined: Report

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Posted at Published on Wednesday, November 08, 2017 by Common Dreams “The elite ranks of our billionaire class continue to pull apart from the rest of us,” a new Institute for Policy study analysis finds By Jake Johnson, staff … Continued

Millionaire Explains How House Tax Cut Bill Would Cut His Taxes in Half—Take Action

posted in: Tax Policy, Uncategorized | 0

Posted at By Lecia Imbery November 8, 2017 The House tax cut bill will slash taxes on the wealthy at the expense of human needs programs. Just ask millionaire Eric Schoenberg. Check out this great video below in which Eric, … Continued

Tell Congress: Support Funding for Climate Solutions

From Interfaith Power and Light ( Right now, representatives from more than 200 countries are meeting at the international climate change conference in Bonn, Germany to effectively implement the Paris climate agreement. Today we learned that war-torn Syria plans to … Continued

Let’s Pray During Native American Heritage Month

From Creation Justice Ministries ( Let us know your faith community will lift up prayers. Sign Up >> November is Native American Heritage Month, a time to meditate on the rich wisdom, spiritualities, and cultures of Indigenous peoples. Yet, Native … Continued

Heeding God’s Call Statement on Sunday’s Gun Massacre at First Baptist Church, Sutherland Springs, Texas

November 7, 2017 The Reverend Woody Dalton, Board Chair Heeding God’s Call to End Gun Violence ™ Another semiautomatic rifle massacre of innocents, this time in a sacred space, a church.  If ever grief, prayer and, more importantly, action were … Continued

Tell EPA Administrator Pruitt to Put Health and Safety Above Fossil Fuel Profits

posted in: Environment, Uncategorized | 0

From the Union of Concerned Scientists ( Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt recently announced a plan to roll back the Clean Power Plan—standards that help combat climate change by setting first-ever limits on carbon pollution from power plants. … Continued

Tell Congress: Support Temporary Protected Status Holders

posted in: Immigration, Uncategorized | 0

From the Interfaith Immigration Coalition ( The administration has terminated the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) designation for Nicaragua, effective January 5, 2019. The administration also was unable to decide whether to extend TPS for Honduras, resulting in an automatic six-month extension … Continued

Environmental Health Project Provides Resources for Those Affected by Fracking

From the SW PA Environmental Health Project ( The Environmental Health Project (EHP) is a nonprofit, evidence-based, public health organization that assists and supports residents of Southwestern Pennsylvania and beyond who are being impacted by unconventional oil and gas development … Continued