Clergy: Sign Petition to Support CHIP by November 17 at Noon

From the PICO National Network ( We’re finally seeing positive movement on a potential bi-partisan agreement to re-authorize the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) for the 9 million low-income children who depend on it for their healthcare. Children’s healthcare is … Continued

Say NO to Proposed Tax Plans That Hurt Low and Moderate Income Persons

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From the Coalition on Human Needs ( Please email and/or call your Representative and Senators today to say the proposed tax plans in the House and Senate will hurt low and moderate income persons and families. Go to to … Continued

Sign the Petition to End Gerrymandering in PA

The United States is the only major democracy that allows politicians to choose their voters by drawing electoral district lines. This is a conflict of interest that undermines the integrity of our elections. There is a solution—and our legislators have … Continued

Most Veterans’ Caregivers Ineligible for Benefits

Posted at November 10, 2017 – Andrea Sears, Public News Service (PA) Play Audio in Browser Window More than 80 percent of those caring for injured veterans are ineligible for Veterans Administration caregiver benefits. (Desiree Palacios/USAF) HARRISBURG, Pa. – … Continued

Children Sue to Stop Climate Change

Posted at November 10, 2017 – Andrea Sears, Public News Service (PA) Play Audio in Browser Window A newly-filed lawsuit says rolling back climate protections endangers the lives of future generations. (Pezibear/Pixabay) PITTSBURGH – The federal government is ignoring … Continued

New Study Shows Urgently Needed 100% Renewable Transition More Feasible Than Ever

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Posted at Published on Thursday, November 09, 2017 by Common Dreams A complete transition from fossil fuels would create millions of jobs and save money while protecting planet from harmful emissions By Julia Conley, staff writer At the COP23 … Continued

Lindsey Graham Latest Republican to Admit GOP Tax Plan Is All About Keeping ‘Financial Contributions’ of Donors Flowing

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Posted at Published on Thursday, November 09, 2017 by Common Dreams “Republicans are literally out here warning each other that their big donors will stop writing checks if they don’t do their bidding.” By Jake Johnson, staff writer As Common … Continued

Message from Kansas: Learn from Our Mistakes

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Posted at By Suzanne Wikle The recently unveiled U.S. House Republican tax plan is modeled heavily on a 2012 Kansas tax bill. Many components of the House bill echo the Kansas “tax experiment,” as Governor Brownback described it—doubling the standard deduction, … Continued