Tell Congress NO on Legislation That Would Decimate Our Public Lands

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From the League of Conservation Voters ( Right now, Trump’s allies in Congress are pushing THREE terrible anti-parks bills that could cause irreparable damage to our public lands. These bills seek to cement and expand the Trump administration’s unprecedented attacks … Continued

Trump Administration’s Budget Proposal and Its Impact on Safety Net Programs

From the Community Action Association of Pennsylvania ( At the beginning of the week, we wrote about the affects the Trump Administration’s budget proposal would have on Community Action’s core funding, the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG). To read our … Continued

Pennsylvania Public School Teachers Face a 12 Percent Pay Penalty

From the Economic Policy Institute ( February 15, 2018 A new EPI paper by Rutgers Professor Emeritus Jeffrey Keefe finds that Pennsylvania’s public school teachers earn lower wages and lower total compensation (wages and benefits) when compared with similarly educated … Continued

Sign Petition to Protect Workers’ Right to Organize

From the Economic Policy Institute ( For decades, our right to collectively negotiate a fair return on our work has been under attack. Whether it is so-called “right-to-work” laws, or legal attempts to undermine collective bargaining rights―corporate lobbyists seek to … Continued

EDF Report: PA Oil & Gas Methane Emissions Nearly 5 Times Higher Than State Inventory

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Posted: 15 Feb 2018 08:13 AM PST at Methane emissions from Pennsylvania’s oil and gas sites may be 522,400 tons a year rather than the 112,100 tons oil and gas companies report to the Department of Environmental Protection, according … Continued

Greenstein: Trump Budget Offers Stark Vision

Posted at Center on Budget and Policy Priorities Statement: February 12, 2018 – For Immediate Release BY ROBERT GREENSTEIN A President’s budget reflects his vision for America.  From that perspective, President Trump’s vision is stark, with the most affluent individuals and … Continued