Environmental Groups Release 2017-18 PA Environmental Voting Scorecard

Posted at http://paenvironmentdaily.blogspot.com/2018/08/environmental-groups-release-2017-18-pa.html Posted: 14 Aug 2018 10:53 AM PDT Conservation Voters of PA, PennEnvironment, Sierra Club Pennsylvania Chapter, and Clean Water Action Tuesday released their 2017-2018 Pennsylvania Environmental Voting Scorecard. The Scorecard scores each member of the State Senate … Continued

Justice & Gerrymandering—Watch Video, Host Discussion Group

From Fair Districts PA (http://www.fairdistrictspa.com): What is the connection between justice and gerrymandering? You may have seen gerrymandering in the news lately. The PA Supreme Court ruled that our 2011 Congressional district map was unconstitutional and needed to be redrawn … Continued

Not Since Just Before the Great Depression Has 1% Controlled Such Wealth—Here’s What That Could Mean

Posted at https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/8/13/1787881/-Not-since-right-before-the-Great-Depression-has-the-1-controlled-this-much-wealth Leslie Salzillo  Monday August 13, 2018 · 10:50 AM EDT Via MarketWatch, a news group considered to be one of the most prominent in today’s financial industry, Karl Paul reports that in the last 20-30 years, the disparity between the rich and more as … Continued

Warming Climate Puts PA Summer Recreation at Risk

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Posted at https://www.publicnewsservice.org/2018-08-15/climate-change-air-quality/warming-climate-puts-pa-summer-recreation-at-risk/a63694-1 August 15, 2018 – Andrea Sears, Public News Service (PA) Play Audio in Browser Window Tick-borne diseases are increasing as climate change increases summer temperatures. (Kaldari[CC0]/Wikimedia Commons) HARRISBURG, Pa. – Climate change already is affecting summers here … Continued