Tell Your Representative to Vote NO on a Second Round of Tax Cuts

posted in: Tax Policy, Uncategorized | 0

From the Economic Policy Institute ( In December, when Republicans passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) they chose to make tax cuts for corporations permanent, while making the individual provisions temporary to satisfy the requirements of budget reconciliation. … Continued

Human Services Secretary Participates in SNAP Challenge to Highlight Food Insecurity, Importance of SNAP for Pennsylvanians

posted in: Human Needs, Uncategorized | 0

Harrisburg, PA – Human Services Secretary Teresa Miller today announced that from September 24-28, she will take the SNAP Challenge to highlight Hunger Action Month, the importance of food access, and the prevalence of food insecurity across Pennsylvania. The week … Continued

Public Charge Proposal: A ‘Sicker, Hungrier, Poorer Nation’

Posted at By CHN September 24, 2018 Deborah Weinstein, Executive Director of the Coalition on Human Needs, issued the following statement Monday in response to the Trump Administration’s proposed Department of Homeland Security Public Charge rule regarding immigrants: “The Administration’s … Continued