Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival

Posted at https://www.chn.org/2018/09/26/poor-peoples-campaign-national-call-moral-revival/#.W6zmAHtKgdU By David Elliot September 26, 2018 Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA), flanked on her right by Rep. Gwen Moore (D-WI, and on her left by House Minority leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA, and Rep. David Price (D-NC) Anti-poverty advocates gathered … Continued

Fact of the Week: Drop in Uninsured Rates for Low-Income Rural Residents Is Three Times Larger in Medicaid Expansion States

Posted at https://www.chn.org/2018/09/26/fact-week-drop-uninsured-rates-low-income-rural-residents-three-times-larger-medicaid-expansion-states/#.W6vd9HtKgdU By Lecia Imbery September 26, 2018 The uninsured rate for low-income adults has decreased in the last several years across America, thanks in large part to the Affordable Care Act. But small towns and rural areas of states … Continued

Tell Congress: Reject Funding for Family Detention & Deportations

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From Faith in Public Life (http://www.faithinpubliclife.org): This spring, a Honduran couple with their 3-year-old son were passing through the Guatemala-Mexico border, just hours after fleeing death threats. Days later, the administration implemented the zero tolerance policy and within just a … Continued

Farm Bill Could Help or Hinder Clean-Water Efforts

posted in: Environment, Uncategorized | 0

Posted at https://www.publicnewsservice.org/2018-09-26/rural-farming/farm-bill-could-help-or-hinder-clean-water-efforts/a64128-1 September 26, 2018 – Andrea Sears, Public News Service (PA) Play Audio in Browser Window Cover crops promote soil health and control erosion and nutrient runoff, but support for them in a new Farm Bill is uncertain. … Continued