Commentary: The Dirty Water Rule Will Heighten the Clean Water Crisis for Black Americans

Posted at By Niva Lubin-Johnson, M.D., FACP, 119th President, National Medical Association Clean water is a basic human right. Still, too many low-income communities and communities of color are not receiving their right of clean water. They are being … Continued

Urge Congress: Oppose Harmful Farm Bill Forestry Provisions

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From PennFuture ( The current version of the House Farm Bill is packed with attacks on environmental laws and America’s national forests — and we need you to take action today to fight it at Provisions in the current … Continued

Become an Early Co-Signer: Justice for All Civil Rights Act

Over the last five decades, right-wing courts have diluted the impact of monumental gains made by the civil rights movement of the 50’s and 60’s. Today, unacceptable, deep inequities persist in people’s access to quality education, affordable insurance, mortgages or … Continued

New Document Shows Nielsen Signed Off on Family Separation Policy

From the Project on Government Oversight ( September 25, 2018 Open the Government and the Project On Government Oversight have obtained documents through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request that provide new insights into internal decision-making behind the separation of thousands … Continued

We Won! “Pipeline Protest Bill” and Environmental Rollbacks Dead for this Session

posted in: Environment, Uncategorized | 0

From PennFuture ( We officially killed both Senate Bill 652 (‘pipeline protest bill’) & House Bill 2154 (‘conventional oil & gas reg rollback bill’). Thanks to all who took action! Late last week, we learned that SB 652 would likely … Continued