New Research Demonstrates the Connection between Homelessness and Housing Affordability

From the National Alliance to End Homelessness ( Communities where people spend more than 32 percent of their income on rent can expect a more rapid increase in homelessness, according to new Zillow-sponsored research on the size and root causes … Continued

A Policy Roadmap to Ensure Our Country’s Prosperity is Broadly Shared

From the Economic Policy Institute ( For too long, ordinary Americans have missed out on the gains of a growing economy, while the already-rich have captured much more than their fair share of that growth. In a new policy agenda, … Continued

A Win for PA Students with Disabilities

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Posted at December 6, 2018 – Andrea Sears, Public News Service (PA) Play Audio in Browser Window Without surrogate parents, a young person who is unaccompanied and homeless cannot enforce their right to educational services. (Wokandapix/Pixabay) PHILADELPHIA – Students … Continued