Act to Protect Marine Wildlife from Seismic Testing

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From PennEnvironment ( The administration just put dolphins, whales and sea turtles in jeopardy. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) just issued Incidental Harassment Authorizations (IHAs) to five major oil and natural gas companies to conduct seismic blasting off … Continued

Submit Comment on Plan to Force Work Requirements on SNAP Recipients

From the Poor People’s Campaign ( The administration has released yet another craven attack on the poor: A proposed plan to gut the food assistance program millions of Americans rely on to feed themselves—just days before the holidays. This latest … Continued

Congress Failed to Reauthorize Federal Land and Water Conservation Fund

posted in: Environment, Uncategorized | 0

Posted at The U.S. Senate passed a measure December 19 to keep the federal government funded until February, but failed to include a public lands package that would have reauthorized the Land and Water Conservation Fund in that bill. … Continued

An Examination of Pennsylvania’s Death Penalty-Cohost an Event

From Pennsylvanians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty ( It’s time for a closer look. The report of the bipartisan Task Force and Advisory Committee on Capital Punishment in Pennsylvania identified serious and systemic flaws in the system, including the … Continued

Study Reveals Children Today Are Less Likely to Earn More Than Their Parents

From the Community Action Association of Pennsylvania ( Success defines the American Dream. The idea that any person can become successful in this country has been an integral piece of American history. However, this underlying principle of the American Dream … Continued