Beating the Pharma Shell Game

Posted at A trillion-dollar industry is in trouble. And it is fighting back. A Harvard-Politico poll taken after the 2018 elections showed that both Republican and Democrat voters cite prescription drug pricing as the top priority for this new Congress. A new Kaiser Family … Continued

Boston City Council Passes Groundbreaking Food Justice Ordinance

Posted at Published on Wednesday, March 20, 2019 by Common Dreams “This will have ripple effects throughout the entire nation” By Andrea Germanos, staff writer “In short, the Good Food Purchasing Program helps build the local, sustainable, thriving food … Continued

Budget Proposal Would Decimate Chesapeake Bay Funding

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Posted at March 13, 2019 – Andrea Sears, Public News Service (PA) Play Audio in Browser Window In 2018, Pennsylvania received $9,767,480 in Chesapeake Bay Program grants. (Photo @MonkMedium/Twenty20) HARRISBURG, Pa. – Clean-water advocates are calling on Congress to … Continued