‘This Will Cause Irreparable Harm’: Horror as DHS Announces Rule to Allow Indefinite Detention of Migrant Families

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Posted at https://www.commondreams.org/news/2019/08/21/will-cause-irreparable-harm-horror-trump-unveils-rule-allow-indefinite-detention Published on Wednesday, August 21, 2019 by Common Dreams “It is beyond logic and humanity to attempt to keep children locked up for as long as possible, especially when we know that this subjects them to trauma … Continued

Tell the US Forest Service—Don’t Allow Rollback of the National Environmental Policy Act

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From Appalachian Voices (http://www.appvoices.org/): A new plan by the U.S. Forest Service to roll back one of America’s bedrock environmental laws would severely limit public input on how our national forests are managed. Go to http://appvoices.org/stop-usfs-nepa-rollback/ to tell the Forest … Continued

A Month Ahead of Global Climate Strike, Thousands Pledge to Attend Rallies Across Planet to ‘Turn Up the Political Heat’ and Demand Action

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Posted at https://www.commondreams.org/news/2019/08/20/month-ahead-global-climate-strike-thousands-pledge-attend-rallies-across-planet-turn Published on Tuesday, August 20, 2019 by Common Dreams “Time is running out. This decade is our last chance to stop the destruction of our people and our planet… This is why we strike.” By Julia Conley, … Continued

Tell Our Senators to Support the Wildlife Corridors Conservation Act

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From PennEnvironment (http://www.pennenvironment.org): Last week, the administration gutted our nation’s most powerful tool for wildlife conservation: the Endangered Species Act (ESA).1 The ESA brought the bald eagle, grizzly bear, Florida manatee and more back from the brink of extinction.2 Now, … Continued